My vegetarian diet

2 years ago I was tired of feeling bloated and lethargic and had started to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables. My husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and decided to book a room at Deer Run Bed and Breakfast in Big Pine Key, FL. We were still eating meat, and I was skeptical of their all vegan breakfast but it was such a beautiful place, that I overlooked it.

When we checked in, it was paradise. The room smelled wonderful, there were beautiful key deer roaming around….and there was this pamphlet by Vegan Outreach


Well I was able to ignore it for a day but by the 2nd day ( it was a 4 night stay), I opened it up. And I was horrified.  And that’s where my vegetarian journey started

I won’t say that I never eat meat. Occasionally, especially when I am back in Mexico for the holidays and all the wonderful, traditional comfort food is going around, I will indulge. And I don’t feel badly about it. Because going vegetarian saves over 100 animals per person. One of my favorite books by Michael Pollan titled “Food Rules” instructs “Everything in moderation. Including moderation”.

Cover of "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual"

Cover of Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual

My parents and family have started learning how to make vegetarian tamales and other traditional Mexican dishes without meat. But is is difficult to completely eradicate it from my diet when visiting other members.  I never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or that I am ungrateful for the food they have prepared and sometimes, that means checking my vegetarianism at the door.  I don’t ‘guilt’ anyone into my diet, I am only here as a resource and encourage any kind of meat consumption reduction.

At my house, we eat vegan about 85% of the time. My favorite go to meals include vegan burritos and vegan mac and cheese.

I hope I can help you transition to a plant based lifestyle, whatever spectrum of vegetarianism that is!


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